American Self Defense Karate Association senior instructors are available to conduct seminars in a variety of study areas.
KATA: The old masters insisted that ALL that is to be learned about Karate can be learned thru the mastery of Kata. Why then are so many classes today divided into sections like “technique”, “sparring” and “self defense”? With some schools even completely doing away with kata. Quite simply, because the essence of kata has been lost. By many it is seen merely as a way to practice meaningless movements or to be dressed up and performed as a circus acrobatics act to win a prize. In truth, Kata IS Technique. Kata IS Sparring. Kata IS Self Defense and more! Let us help you uncover the bounty of knowledge that has lain, unseen before you and point you along the way to becoming a more complete martial artist.
KI: Be it a mystical, psychological energy flow or simply the scientific application of bio- mechanics, Ki (internal energy) is real. We can physically demonstrate it and let you see and feel it. Let us teach you how to develop your Ki and apply it to your martial arts training.
WEAPONS Not For The Sake Of Weapons: Many karate techniques are derived directly from the use of various weapons. Others were developed to counter attacks from specific weapons. We explore the symbiotic relationships of weapons like the sai, bo, and katana and empty hand tactics.
The cost of seminars is based on the number of students and the duration of the seminar. (The more students, the cheaper the rates per student.) If travel is involved rates will be adjusted accordingly. We offer both introductory and advanced seminars. Seminars may be half-day, full-day, or multiple consecutive days depending on the level of training desired.
Martial arts training is helpful, but not required for all seminars. Practitioners of any and all "styles" can benifit from the information and practice provided.
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