Well, that’s how it started, and now, nearly fifty years later, I’m still at it; still learning something new just about every day.
In about 1971 I began training in Mun Moo Kwan, Taekwon-do with Mr. Bong Yul Kwak who had just arrived in the U.S. from Korea. It seemed a perfect fit for me, pretty much like Shotokan except for much more high kicking (I didn’t know this at the time, but here’s why.) I showed up for my first class wearing a white belt. After that class, Mr. Kwak told me, “Next time you come, put back on your black belt.” I did and after I learned their forms, I got that fancy new uniform (photo to the right) to go with it (Oh, well. That’s a new belt too.)
While with Mr. Kwak I got to make lots of new Karate friends like Bob Dunn, Fred DeStalfo, Jack Oliver, and Bill Brown.
To the left there is a photo of me jumping over the head of Jack Oliver in 1974. Jack ran the Montgomery County Community College Karate Club (Montco). This photo was taken at Montco after one of the classes we had when Chuck Norris came to visit. I don't have any photos of me with Chuck ..... But, Chuck, if by the off chance you're reading this, forgive me. That Return Of The Dragon movie was pretty bad and I had no idea that you were going to become a big star, or I'd have been right there with you in front of a camera. (I'll bet Jack's got pictures with you. Freddy and Bob Dunn too. How'd I get left out?)
By 1973 I had opened a karate school in Phoenixville, started the Ursinus College Karate Club and was taking private Ki Aikido lessons from Shuji Maruyama, Sensei ($50 for a 90 minute class once a week – a far cry from my initial Shuto Karate Club dues.) at the Philadelphia Aikikai.
Then, in 1975 I finally found a jiu jitsu instructor....